A Market Turnaround - a Fool's Prayer?

When I open my inbox it is inevitably filled up with messages commenting on past events, facts and figures that are out of date, and old conclusions that have become irrelevant. We have to accept that it is the nature of "news' to age rather quickly nowadays. But some commentators are worse than others, like the investment report sent out Aug 21st, dated end of July recounting events in June... At the same time, my investors (including me) always expect to receive (and provide) updates that are not only timely, - but also are still relevant at the time when WE read it, ideally. We are so insatiably idealistic in our pursuit of perfection ... while having to grin and bear with limitations. Gold Gold Prices this month: 1. take profit above 10% gain , 2 . target forecast at 1886 , 3. the peak at 1911 4. the two-day downfall of some 8% I have been commenting on gold prices for many months now. The lat...