The Patriotic Rally Notion

“World equities have peaked!” In the terrible aftermath of the Paris bombing, I read some commentators referring to the rally since last Monday as a "Patriots' Rally". I am not sure whether this term really is in use, and I can't quite imagine a Patriots' Rally to go round the world! Could someone really be considering a stock market rally as a viable battle strategy against DAESH / Islamic State? And why does the media still indulge the black flag guys by honouring the name they have given themselves? DAESH denotes who they are. Be that as it may, since that dreadful Friday, global equity markets have been rallying as has the USD. But a continuation beyond today is hard to visualise when you look at the odds stacked against it. Some three weeks ago, I said the rally is almost dead and that in the coming weeks equity trading would be range-bound at best. My portfolio switched to safety on November 5th, one trading day after the global equity peak. I...