Global Equities Getting Out Of Sync - Time for A New Model

"The end is nigh for stocks to rally", or is it? In the last paragraph of my post from February 12th , I outlined a four-week window for a last ditch effort by the equity bulls, - very much against the noise and chatter in the media, who preferred to stir up fear that we see a disastrous extension of January's bloody correction in equities and commodities. Needless to say that my proposed strategy returned a handsome profit, even with as basic an investment tool as mutual funds.Importantly, the choice of funds, and the tactical adjustments in between, made all the difference. Re-Introducing A Model Portfolio Due to change of software and provider, I am restarting the model as of January 1st, 2016. This portfolio is in line with a high risk profile, which means we limit the equity exposure to a maximum quotient of 90%, with the remaining 10% invested in bonds and cash. At no point during this period did we expose the portfolio to more ris...