China stocks - consolidating still?

Chinese stocks, both 'A' and 'H' shares, have seen meaningful corrections over the last few months. While 'A' shares responded promptly to government measures that were introduced of late by turning down accordingly, 'H' shares had other factors influencing its pricing, - mainly foreign investment flows. The question now is, when will we see a positive turn-up that can be sustained for some months? Investing today and having to disinvest a few weeks later is a cumbersome and unreliable way to make money. When will the turning point come? What are the accompanying signals? What are the downside risks? And - if China is really such a phenomenal driver of the global economy, why are we not making more money? 'A' - Shares China 'A' Shares since June 2010 I wanted to show you this graph again, which is an updated version of one I published in August/September of last year. At the time, I was looking at a much more detrimental o...