USA - A Day of Reckoning

market snapshot this morning 09:10h Stock markets in the US fell sharply last night. Especially tech stocks saw a large and ominous sell off. Don't we all know why? It's not the debt ceiling, surely! They, that is all parties to the process of resetting the ceiling, agree they will HAVE to do it. Instead, ideological standoffishness and unsavoury arm bending stops law makers from signing on the dotted line. Should we, the rest of the world. care? Oh, indeed! The USA was and remains at the forefront of the fallout of the financial collapse in 2008. Do we really expect to start over with a clean slate, just as if nothing significant happened?* just a rhetorical question.. However, the current impasse is not about learning from mistakes, rather how to best manipulate to one's own advantage. I guess that US grassroot movement now throwing their weight about was named 'tea party' because that sounds the most innocent and removed from its intrinsi...