2015, Mid-Year Market Outlook- USA

Last update: July 12, 2015 USA Economic Health Realities Beginning of 2015, the Federal Reserve (FED) had been expecting continued economic growth. But there was still no decision on the timing of an interest rate increase, which would be a first stop towards “normalisation” of monetary policies. The accommodative monetary policy has kept the purchasing power of its currency in a state of prolonged weakness for over six years. Over 2014 and 2015, the USD regained much of its strength and position as the most sought after currency . As a result, imports have become cheaper, the risk of inflation stays very low, and the country experiences a large inflow of foreign investment. Meanwhile the US recovery remains very much on track, helped by low oil prices – and America’s ability to make a success at “fracking”, which reduced its dependency on oil imports, though not necessarily its dependency on oil. Since unemployment fell below 6%, tensions among inve...