Financial Markets Persist In Perverse Volatility

This nice picture is by Abinesh . Thanks, Abi. It's DEEPAVALI today, the festival of lights, victory of good over evil, the happy endings: Happy Deepavali to all my Indian friends and investors. We need those blessed lights ... Deepavali or not, an investor's work is never done... Trading at the best of times is a tough task, riddled with unanswered queries, wrong-footed here, a stroke of luck there. But the last 3 months trading was - HELL for many, when doomsday scenarios made the headlines again, just like in 2008. During this phase, the time horizon of investors seems to melt down to hours. minutes even, and longer term investors are just forced onto the sidelines. The last 10 days' market behaviour followed the same blasted hokipoki pattern (left foot in, right foot out, shake it all about...). Hardly that an upside is achieved, the following day erases it, - and vice versa. What bugs me is that so little thought is given to the conseq...